Alex and Amanda Lamb from My Flat Pack Home.
You may remember Amanda as the stunning lady in the Scottish Widows advert which ran for years on tv.
She's now the host of "My Flat Pack Home" which features all types of building projects. Booths have been featured in 2 programmes to date and had a huge response from the viewers. Amanda couldn't believe how quickly the garden studio went up - almost to the point where the film crew didn't have enough footage to make one of the shows.
7 Reasons To Buy From Booths
- Annexe installed under the Caravan Act
- No deposit required
- Prices include VAT and free delivery to anywhere in England
- Planning permission not normally required
- Unique 25 year guarantee
- Take it with you when you move house
- Truly zero maintenance - no painting or staining for at least 25 years
Wendy very kindly handled a visit for a customer and her feedback was...On 29 May 2014 17:53, Wendy King wrote:
Hi Iain
Andy's visit was good , I was pleased to be of help. A number of things I mentioned had not occurred to me until I saw the studio being built! One of the advantages I hadn't realised was the insulation keeps the room very cool in hot weather. We were unable to sit in our old summer house in hot weather!!!
To say I'm pleased with my studio is an understatement , definitely made the right choice in choosing your company, the team that built it were great, please pass on my thanks to them.
Looking forward to spending many hours in it.
Thanks once again.
Wendy King
On 2 April 2016 at 08:06, Helen Katsikides wrote:
Hi Iain,
We are still very impressed with the booth. Please direct me as to were you would like me to write a review as my husband and I have both been very pleased with the quality of the product and very happy with the quality of service. We also have a time-lapse video of the QCB being fitted if you would like for marketing or advertising purposes please let me know.
Many thanks
Helena Katsikides